I joined the free online class ‘Deck of Dreams‘ with Kellee Wynne Studios. Five days of videos, prompts, Gelli plate printing and journaling our dreams into a deck. I admire Kellee’s work very much, so I jumped to this change of learning again from her, and for free too!

We started off by printing with the Gelli plate. I’ve used this technique before but not on such small substrates. Gelli plates come in various sizes and I own the smallest size which is perfect for this project. We printed directly on the cards but also on smaller sized papers. I used old book pages, regular printer paper and wet strength tissue paper.

In the next layer we added textured or patterned papers cut out from magazines. If you start flipping through magazines you’ll find the most beautiful patters and textures. I never really paid attention to these, until Kellee brought my attention to this.

We added more layers (Kellee loves layers and so do I) on our cards, using old photos, mark making and we even made our own little stencils. The vintage photos above are from my printable collection in my Etsy shop.

Every day Kellee showed us a new technique, but she made us also journaling. Journaling about our dreams: dreams we had as a childhood, dreams for our family and friends, dreams for our own body, mind & spirit and so on. I’ve had dreams, but it was about time I started manifesting them. Because without manifesting the universe doesn’t know what you want. And I’d like a few steps forward in my life, so this class was exactly what I needed.