Tag Archives: academic


Commission: Almuni event The Power of Dialogue

On Saturday 13 April, 2024 I captured the alumni event of Political Sciences and Public Administration of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Front row And even though I was focused more […]


Commission: Public event ‘On Sacred Nature’

On 30 March, 2023 the Faculty of Religion and Theology at VU University organized the public event ‘On Sacred Nature’ at Rialto VU. “We invited famous religious scholar Karen Armstrong, Planetary Health Professor Pim Martens […]


Commission: Inaugural lecture of Professor M. Klaver

I haven’t had a lot of commissions the last couple of years and now I had two in two weeks.Today Professor Miranda Klaver gave her inaugural lecture named ‘Desiring a Heaven on Earth?’ at the […]


Commission: Farewell lecture Professor Wim Janse

Today Professor Wim Janse gave his farewell lecture at VU University Amsterdam titled ‘The enterprising faculty.’ It was my of of my first photography job in two years, Corona regulations have hit me too in […]


Commission: Photoshoot of an inaugural lecture

I was invited to capture the inaugural lecture of Professor Arie Zwiep on 10 March. Below you find a visual impression of the ceremony. Professor Arie Zwiep arriving at the aula of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam […]


Commission: photoshoot of a PhD defense ceremony

On 9 September, 2020 I was asked to capture the public defense of one of our PhD students Ms. A. Liefbroer of her thesis “Interfaith spiritual care.” Liefbroer’s thesis ‘Interfaith spiritual care’ Question by one […]


Commission: Academic farewell lecture

Vandaag mocht ik het afscheidssymposium en -rede fotograferen van VU-hoogleraar prof.dr. Kees van der Kooi aan de Faculteit Religie en Theologie. Het symposium was een feestelijke bijeenkomst met familie, vrienden, bekenden, (ex-)collega’s en veel sprekers. Today I had the honour of […]


Commission: capturing graduation and Iftar

Gisteravond had ik de eer om een Iftar (Ramadanmaaltijd na zonsondergang) te fotograferen die gecombineerd was met de buluitreiking van alumni van de Ambtsopleiding Islamitische Geestelijke Verzorging. De avond werd georganiseerd door het CIT (Centrum […]


PhD ceremony of Very Patty

Gisteren hield E.S. Patty zijn promotionele rede aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam met als titel ‘Molukse Theologie in Nederland’. De heer Patty is een Molukse predikant die ervoor pleit om voorchristelijke Molukse tradities te integreren […]