Commission: Photoshoot of an inaugural lecture

I was invited to capture the inaugural lecture of Professor Arie Zwiep on 10 March. Below you find a visual impression of the ceremony.

departure of cortege
Professor Zwiep arriving at VU aula
Professor Arie Zwiep arriving at the aula of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Arrival of the cortege at VU aula
Entrance of the cortege at the aula of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Dean Ganzevoort giving the opening speech
Dean Ruard Ganzevoort giving the opening speech
Professor Zwiep giving inaugural lecture
Professor Arie Zwiep at the start of his inaugural lecture
Professor Zwiep giving inaugural lecture
Professor Zwiep trying to define Hermeneutics
Professor Arie Zwiep trying to define Hermeneutics
The definition of Hermeneutics by Professor Zwiep
The definition of Hermeneutics by Professor Arie Zwiep
Resistors and misunderstandings of Hermeneutics
Resistors and misunderstandings of Hermeneutics
Profile photo of Professor Zwiep
VU Beadle's scepter
Beadle’s scepter of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Professor Zwiep making his speech
Professor Zwiep in the middle of his speech
Dean Ganzevoort welcoming Professor Zwiep to the Board of Professors
Dean Ruard Ganzevoort giving the closing speech

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