Tag Archives: photography


Commission: Almuni event The Power of Dialogue

On Saturday 13 April, 2024 I captured the alumni event of Political Sciences and Public Administration of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Front row And even though I was focused more […]


Printing high contrast black and white photos on top of mono prints

The other day I showed you papers where I painted over the top of high contrast black and white photos. Today I share with you the papers where I printed black and white photos on […]


Painting on high contrast black and white photos

I’ve been experimenting a little with painting on top of high contrast black and white photos taken with my cell phone. I selected a couple of nature inspired photos that were not too busy, changed […]


Commission: Portrait of the Theologian of the Fatherland

One of my colleagues at the marketing departement of VU University asked me to take some portraits of Katya Tolstaya, who was chosen as Theologian of the Fatherland recently. Katya’s wish was to pose in […]


New articles in my Society6 shop:

New articles in my Society6 shop!I took this image of a green, rusty and peeling window shutter in Venice last February and it seems perfect for furnishings, pouches and totes. Tote Desk mat Credenza This […]


Commission: Capturing performance of ‘Fragile Earth’ by Antjie Krog

Over the last few weeks I had four photography commissions, in this blogpost I’ll give you an impression of the last one which took place on Saturday, 15 April. I captured the performance of the […]


Commission: Public event ‘On Sacred Nature’

On 30 March, 2023 the Faculty of Religion and Theology at VU University organized the public event ‘On Sacred Nature’ at Rialto VU. “We invited famous religious scholar Karen Armstrong, Planetary Health Professor Pim Martens […]


Travel: A trip to the island of Terschelling

We celebrated the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023 on one of the Dutch islands called Terschelling. The islands are located in the north of the Netherlands. On one side they border the […]


Commission: Inaugural lecture of Professor M. Klaver

I haven’t had a lot of commissions the last couple of years and now I had two in two weeks.Today Professor Miranda Klaver gave her inaugural lecture named ‘Desiring a Heaven on Earth?’ at the […]