Ter gelegenheid van het accepteren van haar speciale aanstelling op de leerstoel ‘Feminist Practical Theology’ van de Queen’s Foundation for Ecumenical Theological Education, sprak professor Nicola Slee vandaag haar inaugurele rede uit. Deze was getiteld: ‘Fragments for Fractures Times: What Feminist Practical Theology brings to the Table’. Decaan van de Faculteit der Godgeleerdheid professor R.R. Ganzevoort gaf een korte introductie, waarna professor Slee haar speech gaf. Lees hier meer over de inhoud van haar rede. Hieronder plaats ik wat beelden van de gelegenheid die ik mocht vastleggen.

Dean Professor Ganzevoort
Today was the inaugural lecture of Professor Nicola Slee at the Faculty of Theology at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The lecture was delivered on the occasion of the acceptance by special appointment on behalf of The Queen’s Foundation for Ecumenical Theological Education. Her speech was titled: ‘Fragments for Fractures Times: What Feminist Practical Theology brings to the Table’ on the Queen’s Chair in Feminist Practical Theology. Professor R.R. Ganzevoort gave a short introduction after which Professor Slee delivered her speech. I was privileged to capture the event and have placed a few images below.

Professor Slee

The red carpet

The Beadle’s staff

Hugging Professor W. Janse