Tag Archives: pattern


Workshop eenvoudige patronen in aquarel

Mijn liefde voor aquarel is de afgelopen jaren gegroeid; ik kwam er voor het eerst mee in aanraking bij de online lessen van Creative Bug. De allereerste lessen die ik daar volgde waren bij illustrator […]


Slow art Party: Spindle

This week’s pattern in the Slow Art Party hosted by Amy Maricle was Spindle. I have to confess I had to look up the meaning of the word. I can’t really recognize it in the […]


Slow Art Party: Revealing

This week’s pattern in the Slow Art Party was Revealing. Amy said that the overlapping leaves gave it an X-ray kind of feeling hence the name.We started out drawing the stems and leaves and added […]


Virtual Art Summit ’23: layering with stencils

I’ve participated in the Virtual Art Summit 2023 which hosted by Kellee Wynn Studios. She started organizing these summits during the first year of the pandemic, this is the fourth and Kellee’s final year. Kellee’s […]


Slow Art Party: Innovate

This week’s theme of the Slow Art Party was ‘Innovate’: we could choose a pattern we liked (I chose a really simple wiggly shape) and innovate it in any way we liked, meaning drawing it […]


Etsy: Grungy Gelli plate printable

I just added a new digital paper pack in my shop: Grungy colourful Gelli plate printable. These papers are made in the March class of Fodder School, taught by Rebecca Chapman. The digital papers don’t have […]


Slow Art Party: Taut

This week’s pattern in the Slow Art Party was Taut (tight). We started out with simple brush strokes in watercolor and when the paint had dried we added line drawing to connect the strokes. Taut: […]


Etsy: Grungy mark making printable

Last night I added a new digital paper pack in my shop: Grungy mark making. These papers are made in the December class of Fodder School, taught by Aimee Bishop. The digital papers don’t have an […]


Slow Art Party: Roe

This week’s natural pattern in the Slow Art Party, hosted by Amy Maricle of Mindful Art Studio, was Roe. Roe is the ripe eggs of fish and certain marine animals, according to wikipedia. We started […]