Category Archives: mixed media


Tussen Kunst en Kerst

Op 15 december a.s. zal de kunstmarkt Tussen Kunst en Kerst plaats vinden in het Art Centre Aalsmeer. Veel van mijn collega-kunstenaars zullen ook hun atelier openen met een aanbod van grote en kleine geschenken, […]


Painting for Fun Sketchbook Challenge, by Laura Horn

I finished the Painting for Fun Sketchbook Challenge, a class by Laura Horn from her Creative Blend Art Program. This is one the many online classes I own that I finished from A to Z […]


Coming back from the Museum Market

Last month Kees and I rented a stall at the Museum Market in Amsterdam. We are looking back at a good day: we had friends coming by, we talked to strangers about our art, we […]


To Market, to Market: Museum Market

On 19 November my bfbf Kees and I will be sharing a stall together at the Museum Market in Amsterdam. This art and design market takes place every third Sunday of the month from 10.00 […]


Virtual Art Summit ’23: layering with stencils

I’ve participated in the Virtual Art Summit 2023 which hosted by Kellee Wynn Studios. She started organizing these summits during the first year of the pandemic, this is the fourth and Kellee’s final year. Kellee’s […]


Art Journaling: Deck of Dreams 2022

I joined the free online class ‘Deck of Dreams‘ with Kellee Wynne Studios. Five days of videos, prompts, Gelli plate printing and journaling our dreams into a deck. I admire Kellee’s work very much, so […]


Etsy: Grungy Gelli plate printable

I just added a new digital paper pack in my shop: Grungy colourful Gelli plate printable. These papers are made in the March class of Fodder School, taught by Rebecca Chapman. The digital papers don’t have […]


Etsy: Grungy mark making printable

Last night I added a new digital paper pack in my shop: Grungy mark making. These papers are made in the December class of Fodder School, taught by Aimee Bishop. The digital papers don’t have an […]


Fodder School December: Making collage fodder with Aimee Bishop

In the December class of Fodder School we made a lot of grungy collage fodder with Aimee Bishop. She taught us loads of ways of creating art papers using mark making, stamping and resist techniques. […]