Commission: Water in Times of Climate Change

Gisteren had ik de eer om de opening van een bijzonder congres te fotograferen op de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam: Water in Times of Climate Change, a values driven dialogue. Tijdens het symposium werd er op verschillende manieren naar water gekeken: als levensbron, bedreiging en reining (fysiek en godsdienstig). Ook werd de problematiek rondom water van drie specifieke wereldsteden besproken, die van Jakarta (snelst zinkende stad), Kaapstad (zat onlangs bijna zonder water) en Amsterdam (laag liggende hoofdstad).
Prof. dr. R.R. Ganzevoort, decaan Faculteit Religie en Theologie en lid Eerste Kamer (zie foto hieronder) modereerde de ochtendbijeenkomst.

Prof Ganzevoort moderator Watersymposium

Yesterday I had the privilege capturing the opening of a special conference at VU University in Amsterdam: Water in Times of Climate Change, a values driven dialogue. During the symposium three main key themes were explored: life-giving water, threatening water and cleansing water (physically and religiously). Also, the problems concerns three specific world cities were discussed, like those of Jakarta (fastest sinking city), Capetown (first city were the taps would run dry) and Amsterdam (lowest capital city).
Professor R.R. Ganzevoort, dean of the Faculty of Religion and Theology and Senator (see photo above) was the moderator of the morning session.

cortege with patriarch and Balkenende
Procession with Cardinal Turkson, the Green Patriarch and Balkenende
Prof Vinod Subramaniam
Welcome by Prof Vinod Subramaniam, Rector Magnificus Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Prof Jan Peter Balkenende
Opening by Prof Jan Peter Balkenende, former Prime-Minister of the Netherlands
Photo journalist Kadir van Lohuizen
Photo journalist Kadir van Lohuizen in front of one of his images about the rising sea level
Cardinal Turkson
His Eminence Cardinal Turkson, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting integral Human Development
Photo of Azza Karam
Closing session by Prof Azza Karam, Secretary General-elect of Religions for Peace, and Prof Religion and Sustainable Development (VU Amsterdam)

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