Mijn liefde voor aquarel is de afgelopen jaren gegroeid; ik kwam er voor het eerst mee in aanraking bij de online lessen van Creative Bug. De allereerste lessen die ik daar volgde waren bij illustrator […]
Category Archives: painting
Slow Art Party: Encircle
This week’s shape in the Slow Art Party was Encircle. You can clearly see why Amy choose this word for this shape. We just made simple brush strokes in watercolour in a circular movement and […]
Slow Art Party: Rise
This week’s pattern in the Slow Art Party hosted by Amy Maricle was Rise. We just made elongated brush strokes in watercolour in either a straight or wavy line very slowly. Her brush would usually […]
Fodder School October: Making fodder with Tiffany Simply Sharpe
I caved in, I signed up for Fodder School after seeing lots of pictures of awesome flowers like the photo above. I was sure I was not going to sign up for a year long […]
Etsy: Blue abstract with shapes and drips
Like I posted earlier this week I decided to upload some watercolor pieces to my Etsy shop. I had them scanned professionally at a renowned company here in Amsterdam. Apart from the watercolors I also […]
Etsy: Watercolours in the webshop
After much consideration I decided to upload the watercolors I made in 2019 to my Etsy shop. I had them scanned in professionally and had ordered 10 art prints of each. I was planning to […]
Week 1: Patterns
Ik heb meegedaan aan de zesweekse The Kick Art E-beat course van Marenthe Otten. Tegen de tijd dat je dit leest is de cursus al voorbij; de cursus zo intensief was en ik besteedde er […]
Finished painting: Seeping through
I have the goal to finish a couple of paintings this Summer and this is the third: Seeping through. It’s mixed media canvas board, 40 x 40 cm and I just love every inch of […]
Finished painting: Galaxy
Galaxy: acrylic paint, ink, netting and tissue paper on canvas board, 40 x 50 cm The second painting I have finished this Summer is called Galaxy. It started out as a very colourful piece on […]