Mijn liefde voor aquarel is de afgelopen jaren gegroeid; ik kwam er voor het eerst mee in aanraking bij de online lessen van Creative Bug. De allereerste lessen die ik daar volgde waren bij illustrator […]
Category Archives: arts
Workshop eenvoudige boekjes maken
Ik ben altijd al gek van boekjes geweest: lezen, door tijdschriften met mooie prints bladeren, fotoboeken en art journals maken. De geur van papier, inkt en verf, het fysieke gevoel van bladeren en naar mooie […]
Tussen Kunst en Kerst
Op 15 december a.s. zal de kunstmarkt Tussen Kunst en Kerst plaats vinden in het Art Centre Aalsmeer. Veel van mijn collega-kunstenaars zullen ook hun atelier openen met een aanbod van grote en kleine geschenken, […]
Bookmaking: The Little Book of Wonder
I almost finished filling up my Little Book of Wonder, a class by Amy Maricle of Mindful Art Studio. Yesterday I added the covers to my handmade little accordion book full of surprises. I just […]
Commission: Almuni event The Power of Dialogue
On Saturday 13 April, 2024 I captured the alumni event of Political Sciences and Public Administration of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Front row And even though I was focused more […]
Printing high contrast black and white photos on top of mono prints
The other day I showed you papers where I painted over the top of high contrast black and white photos. Today I share with you the papers where I printed black and white photos on […]
Painting on high contrast black and white photos
I’ve been experimenting a little with painting on top of high contrast black and white photos taken with my cell phone. I selected a couple of nature inspired photos that were not too busy, changed […]
Painting for Fun Sketchbook Challenge, by Laura Horn
I finished the Painting for Fun Sketchbook Challenge, a class by Laura Horn from her Creative Blend Art Program. This is one the many online classes I own that I finished from A to Z […]
Coming back from the Museum Market
Last month Kees and I rented a stall at the Museum Market in Amsterdam. We are looking back at a good day: we had friends coming by, we talked to strangers about our art, we […]